The Original Blog Post and some Thoughts on the Crisis of Where We Find Ourselves As the current culture war escalates into a series of asymmetrical engagements from media trolls and outright broadsides from corporate de-platformers in order to protect the culture from the people one side doesn’t agree with… I’d like to step back […]
Category: Uncategorized
Signed Editions of The American Wasteland Trilogy Now Available
“Part Hemingway, part Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, a suspenseful odyssey into the dark heart of the post-apocalyptic American Southwest.”
The Savage Wars and John Donne
Just wrapped The Savage Wars 1 and we needed to bring about a reason why a lone wolf bounty hunter like Tyrus Rechs would form the legion. Without giving away too much a bit of Hemingway surfaced from For Whom the Bell Tolls. Or rather, really from the old poet, John Donne. I thought it […]
Selling Lots of Books On Amazon and my new Youtube Show!
I get a lot of questions from people on writing, writing tips, how to write, and indie, or what I like to call NewPub, publishing in general. So, I’ve started a Youtube channel that I hope will answer some of those questions and provide some tips, tricks, and motivation. Enjoy.
So You Want a SIGNED Edition of Soda Pop Soldier
So you’d like to have your VERY OWN SIGNED edition of this Book! Here’s where you go to get it! And yes! I’ll sign it today and ship it! Click Here to Get a Signed Copy Review “This smart combination of video-game action and stinging dystopian satire is meticulously assembled… [The narrator] manages to be […]